class mysql {
// Database server information
var $host; // (string) Host server of database
var $user; // (string) User
var $password; // (string) Password
var $db_name; // (string) Database that will be selected
var $port; // (int) Server port
var $connection = false; // (link identifier) MySQL connection link identifier
var $result; // (link identifier) MySQL result link identifier
// Class operation setup
// 1 ECHO
var $debuglv = 2 ;
var $error_level = 0 ;
var $error_desc = "No errors" ;
var $logfile = "datalog" ;
var $filehdl = 0 ;
var $messsages = array() ;
var $affected_rows = 0 ;
var $num_rows = 0 ;
var $recordcount = 0 ;
var $lastid = 0 ;
var $sqlString;
var $query_no = 0 ;
function mysql($host = "", $user = "", $password = "", $db_name = "", $port = "")
$this->host = ( !empty( $host ) ) ? (string)$host : "localhost";
$this->user = ( !empty( $user ) ) ? (string)$user : "root";
$this->password = ( !empty( $password ) ) ? (string)$password : "";
$this->db_name = ( !empty( $db_name ) ) ? (string)$db_name : "";
$this->port = ( !empty( $port ) ) ? (int)$port : 3306;
function connect($is_persistent = false)
$this->logfile_init() ;
if (!$is_persistent) {
$this->connection = @mysql_connect($this->host.':'.$this->port, $this->user, $this->password);
} else {
$this->connection = @mysql_pconnect($this->host.':'.$this->port, $this->user, $this->password);
$this->error_report() ;
if (!$this->connection) {
// Conection failed
$this->add_debug_message ( date("d/m/Y - H:i:s") . " - ERROR " . $this->error_level . ": " . $this->error_desc . "\r\n" ) ;
$this->release_db() ;
} else { $this->select_db(); }
function select_db($db_name=false){
if ($db_name !== false) $this->db_name=$db_name;
// Select a database...
if (@mysql_select_db($this->db_name,$this->connection)) {
// Selecting Database OK
$this->add_debug_message ( date("d/m/Y - H:i:s") . " - OPERATION O.K.: Connected to database " . $this->db_name . "\r\n" );
} else {
// Failed to select the database... abort connection process
$this->error_report() ;
$this->add_debug_message ( date("d/m/Y - H:i:s") . " - ERROR " . $this->error_level . ": " . $this->error_desc . "\r\n" ) ;
$this->release_db() ;
// Releasing database connection
function release_db()
// Checking if a conection is open?
if ($this->connection) {
// Trying to close the connection ...
if (mysql_close($this->connection)) {
$this->add_debug_message ( date("d/m/Y - H:i:s") . " - OPERATION O.K.: Database " . $this->db_name . " released" . "\r\n" );
} else {
// Failed to liberate the database...
$this->error_report() ;
$this->add_debug_message ( date("d/m/Y - H:i:s") . " - ERROR " . $this->error_level . ": " . $this->error_desc . "\r\n" );
} else {
// No database open
$this->add_debug_message ( date("d/m/Y - H:i:s") . " - OPERATION CANCELLED: No database open" . "\r\n" );
// LOG the operation and close logging operations
$this->debug() ;
$this->logfile_close() ;
// Error reporting auxiliary method
function error_report()
$this->error_level = mysql_errno() ;
$this->error_desc = mysql_error() ;
// Log operations initialization
function logfile_init()
if ($this->debuglv==3) {
$this->add_debug_message ( date("d/m/Y - H:i:s") . " ===== SESSION STARTED BY " . $GLOBALS["PHP_SELF"] . " =====" . "\r\n" );
$this->logfile = $this->logfile . "-" . date("m") . "-" . date("Y") ;
$this->filehdl = fopen($this->logfile,'a') ;
if (!$this->filehdl) {
echo "<!-- UNABLE TO OPEN SPECIFIED LOG FILE " . $this->logfile . " -->" ;
$this->debuglv-- ;
$this->logfile_init() ;
break ;
$this->debug() ;
// Closing log operations
function logfile_close()
if ($this->filehdl) {
// If we opened a file to log operations need to close it
fclose($this->filehdl) ;
function add_debug_message($message)
// Debugging operations
function debug()
switch ($this->debuglv) {
break ;
case 1: // SCREEN OUTPUT
foreach ($this->messsages as $m) {
echo 'DEBUG: ' . $m . '' ;
break ;
case 2: // SILENT OUTPUT (<!-- -->)
foreach ($this->messsages as $m) {
echo "\n<!-- DEBUG: " . $m . "-->\n" ;
break ;
case 3: // FILE OUTPUT
foreach ($this->messsages as $m) {
fwrite($this->filehdl,$this->msg) ;
break ;
// Destructor
function destroy()
$this->release_db() ;
// performes an sqlQuery
function query($sqlString)
if ($this->connection !== false) {
$this->result = mysql_query($sqlString,$this->connection) ;
$this->error_report() ;
// Affectected rows...
if ($this->result) {
// Execution was o.k.
$this->affected_rows = mysql_affected_rows( $this->connection );
if (is_resource($this->result)) {
$this->num_rows = mysql_num_rows( $this->result );
} else $this->num_rows = 0;
$this->lastid = mysql_insert_id( $this->connection );
$this->add_debug_message( date("d/m/Y - H:i:s") . " - OPERATION O.K.: Executed [" . $this->sqlString ."] [affected " . $this->affected_rows . " rows] [rows in result " . $this->num_rows . " ]" . "\r\n" );
return true;
} else {
// Execution Failed
$this->affected_rows = 0 ;
$this->num_rows = 0 ;
$this->add_debug_message( date("d/m/Y - H:i:s") . " - OPERATION FAILED: Executed [" . $this->sqlString . "] got " . $this->error_level . " " . $this->error_desc . "\r\n" );
return false;
} else {
// No database ready to query
$this->affected_rows = 0 ;
$this->num_rows = 0 ;
$this->add_debug_message( date("d/m/Y - H:i:s") . " - OPERATION FAILED: No database open OR no SQL command provided" . "\r\n" );
return false;
function fetch_assoc( $result = false )
if ( $result === false ) $result = $this->result;
return mysql_fetch_assoc( $result );
function clean_data($data)
return mysql_real_escape_string($data,$this->connection);
function fetch_data_array ()
while( $row = $this->fetch_assoc() )
{ $data[]=$row; }
return $data;
// grabs a list of rows from a tabel ... returnes an array of data
function list_table( $table_name, $where = false, $parameters = array () )
$range = ( isset($parameters['range']) && !empty($parameters['range']) ) ? $parameters['range'] : " * " ;
$sortColumn = ( isset($parameters['sortColumn']) && !empty($parameters['sortColumn']) ) ? $parameters['sortColumn'] : false ;
$sortType = ( isset($parameters['sortType']) && !empty($parameters['sortType']) ) ? $parameters['sortType'] : "ASC" ;
$limitOffset = ( isset($parameters['limitOffset']) && !empty($parameters['limitOffset']) ) ? $parameters['limitOffset'] : false ;
$rowCount = ( isset($parameters['rowCount']) && !empty($parameters['rowCount']) ) ? $parameters['rowCount'] : false ;
$queryString= "SELECT $range FROM $table_name ";
if ( $where !== false ) $queryString .= " WHERE ".$where;
if ( $sortColumn !== false ) $queryString .= " ORDER BY `$sortColumn` $sortType ";
if ( $rowCount !== false ) {
$queryString .= " LIMIT ";
if ( $limitOffset !== false ) $queryString .= " $limitOffset, ";
$queryString .= " $rowCount ";
if( $this->num_rows < 1 ) { return false; }
else { return $this->fetch_data_array(); }
// fetch a row from a table
function fetch_row( $table_name, $where = false , $parameters = array () )
$range = ( isset($parameters['range']) && !empty($parameters['range']) ) ? $parameters['range'] : " * " ;
$range = ( isset($parameters['range']) && !empty($parameters['range']) ) ? $parameters['range'] : " * " ;
$queryString= "SELECT $range FROM $table_name ";
if ( $where != false ) $queryString .= " WHERE $where LIMIT 1";
if( $this->num_rows < 1 ) { return false; }
else { return $this->fetch_assoc(); }
function count_records( $table_name, $where =false , $parameters = array() )
$queryString= "SELECT COUNT(*) as rNumber FROM $table_name ";
if ( $where != false ) $queryString .= " WHERE $where ";
if ($this->query($queryString) == true ){
return $row["rNumber"];
} else return false;
function increment_field( $table_name, $field, $where, $parameters = array() )
$queryString= "UPDATE $table_name SET `$field`=`$field`+1 WHERE $where ";
function record_update( $table_name, $data, $where, $parameters = array() )
$queryString="UPDATE ".$table_name." SET ";
foreach ($data as $key=>$value) {
$fields[] = " `$key`='".$this->clean_data( $value )."' ";
$queryString .= implode(',',$fields)." WHERE ".$where;
return $this->query($queryString);
function record_insert( $table_name, $data, $parameters = array() )
$queryString="INSERT INTO ".$table_name." (";
foreach ($data as $key=>$value)
$columns []= '`'.$key.'`';
$values []= "'".$this->clean_data( $value )."'";
$queryString .= implode(',',$columns) .") VALUES (". implode(',',$values) .") ";
return $this->query($queryString);
function record_delete( $table_name, $where, $parameters = array() )
$queryString = "DELETE FROM ". $table_name ." WHERE ". $where;
function table_info($table_name)
$this->query(" SELECT * FROM $table_name LIMIT 1");
$fields = mysql_num_fields($this->result);
for ($i=0; $i <= $fields; $i++) {
$fields[$i]['type'] = mysql_field_type($result, $i);
$fields[$i]['name'] = mysql_field_name($result, $i);
$fields[$i]['len'] = mysql_field_len($result, $i);
return $fields;
function table_max_value( $table, $field)
$this->query(" SELECT max($field) as max_value FROM $table ");
return $data["max_value"];